Rabbit Forest and Villages
Wood Town
At the center of the island, in the heart of the Rabbit Forrest, you find a small Human village named Wood Town. It is most known for the caring and appreciated farmer and his wife that operates the location.
This village is the biggest supply of carrots to King City.
There are many stories to tell from the small locations in Rabbit Forrest, but the story of Wood Town is one of the best. It even made it into an official scroll by the High Queen reporter Carøe.
Littleberg, is the poor village at the east end of the island and it is said to be the village where no other people want to live. It is where the less fortunate and miserable try to make a living. The Elves never come here. The Foxes are only represented by the local nutcase “Crazy ‘ol Vulpus” who is a Human, believing he’s a Fox.
Helga's Inn
A rebuilt war outpost made into an Inn located between Rabbit Forest and Goblin Wasteland.
There is a crossroad from the forest, one for Goblin Land across the wasteland, and one back to the forest and King City.
There are still some leftovers from the war. A broken watchtower and some barricades.
At the side of the Inn is a nice Rabbit home where Helga welcomes any Dark Rabbits as the last chance of recovery. (Or so she claims)
Between the Inn and the Rabbit home are a woodcutter stand and a goat chained to a pole.
Some random chickens are walking around and her special for breakfast is a nice hot chicken soup.
Helga has decorated her house in some Ursanias style and claims it to be an official Uranias Ambassade which the White King has never confirmed.
Mr. Hank's shack
A small shack that Mr. Hank calls home. Here he has been raising Bunneh for the last 15 years.
The place is well hidden and often patrolled by the Wolves to keep nosy Foxes and others away.